💱Buying Liquidity
Buying liquidity can be a profitable excercise. As listings of locked liquidity are often offered at discounts to account for the early repayment, buyers effectively net the difference between the agreed price and the total value of the locked liquidity. Moreover, if you believe the price of the underlying Crypto (i.e. Ethereum) will go up, you effectively multiply your profits by buying it cheap. To buy Locked Liquidity on our platform, simply follow the below steps. Please note that, as of 7 May 2024, we only accept Ethereum LP listings on UniCrypt. Shortly after launch, we will add compatibality to other platforms (i.e. Team Finance) and other Cryptocurrency chains (i.e. BNB Smartchain). Buying Liquidity on our platform is a simple process. Simply press the 'Marketplace' button from the homepage or head directly to the Marketplace section of our website. As is needed to sell liquidiy, make sure to that your wallet is connected by pressing the 'Connect Wallet' button and following the steps in MetaMask. Once you have selected the listing of interest by pressing 'View Details', you will be presented by a screen like the below. The first number presents the liquidity that is being offered in the pool. The purple number is the listing price, i.e. what you have to pay to acquire the liquidity. To proceed, simply press the 'Buy Locked LP' button and follow the steps in MetaMask. After finalizing, you are now the new owner of the Lock, and will be able to take the Liquidity out once the lock expires!
Last updated